Elected Governors September 2023

To see further details about our individual Governors, please view their miniblog on the next tab Governor Details.

The table also provides term of office details and those who have retired in their role as Governor for Willow Bank School in the last 12 months.

Chair of Governors: Mrs M Neale - Willow Bank School, Winwick Road, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, WA12 8DE

Governors Name



Appointed By



Ms Anne Kyle


Ms Anne Kyle appointed 01/01/21

Governing Body 01/01/2021  

Mrs Margaret Neale (nee Williams)


(Co-opted Governor)

Governing Body 09/12/2018 09/12/2024

Mr Phillip Round 

Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor) Governing Body 18/09/2020  31/07/2027
Mrs Leah Beirne  

(Co-opted Governor)

Governing Body 07/12/2016 31/07/2027
Sgt Ged Farley  

(Co-opted Governor)

Governing Body 07/12/2016 31/07/2027

Mr Peter Smith


(Co-opted Governor)

Governing Body 31/07/2018 17/09/2027
Ms Heather Addison  

(Co-opted Governor)

Governing Body 06/12/2023 05/12/2027

Ms Asher Houghton

  (Co-opted Governor) Governing Body 06/12/2023 05/12/2027

Mr Ben Bennett


(Staff Governor)

Governing Body 01/04/2022 31/08/2026


  (Local Authority Governor) St Helens Local Authority    



(Parent Governor)

Governing Body    



(Parent Governor)

Governing Body    

Governors who have served in the last twelve months:

Governors Name


Appointed By

Cllr Seve Gomez Aspron Retired July 2024 (Local Authority Governor) St Helens Local Authority

School Governance - Roles, Procedures and Allowances

Ms Anne Kyle

Head Teacher

Term of office:

Start date : 01/01/2021

When did you first become a Governor at Penkford?

1st of January 2021 when I became the Head Teacher

What interested you in becoming a Governor at Penkford?

As the Head teacher you are automatically a governor, so I think maybe I should answer what interested me in becoming the Head Teacher? I was very impressed with the pupils I met on my School Council interview and I felt that I would be able to help them in their learning journeys at Penkford. I believe that Penkford is a very good school and has a great team of staff who want the very best for each and every pupil, I was my honour to then become the Head of this school.

I have been a teacher for over 20 years, and have already been a Head Teacher for 4 years prior to taking up my role at Penkford. I have a good track record with leading schools with OFSTED visits and have led 2 schools from Requires Improvement judgments to Good, and Good with Outstanding Areas.

What do you enjoy most about your role as Governor?

I enjoy making a difference to the children and young people that I have the privilege to represent. I like being involved in the key decisions that will make the experience at Penkford even better than it is already for our pupils, parents, carers and staff. As a team of governors we are aiming at being outstanding and helping the school to achieve this.

What are your hobbies and interests?

I enjoy reading, films and yoga. I have two sporting sons so support them a lot around the North West of England. I like aromatherapy and use this as a way of relaxing. I also enjoy DIY and am always looking at ways to improve my house! I enjoy politics and have a keen interest in following what is happening around the world.

Mr Seve Gomez Aspron

Term of office:

Local Authority Governor

Start date: 20/07/2020  

End date: 06/07/2024.

Seve is a Labour Councillor for Newton-le-Willows and Deputy Leader for St Helens Borough Council. He was honoured with an MBE for services to the community of Newton-le-Willows during the coronavirus crisis. Seve was part of a collective community push that sent out thousands of meals, PPE to hospitals and care homes; distributed up to 2,500 Easter eggs to local school chilren and supplied hundreds of free school uniforms. Seve is a local man who describes himself as a socialist, scientist and a bit of a local historian fighting to enable the £8 million new build for Penkford School to come to fruition. 

Mrs Leah Beirne

Term of office:

Start date: 07/12/2016.  

End date: 31/07/2024.

When did you first become a Governor at Penkford?

December 2016

What interested you in becoming a Governor at Penkford ?

I strongly believe in the service that Penkford provides. Mainstream schools cannot meet the needs of all young people. Nonetheless all young people are entitled to a quality, relevant and accredited education regardless of how complex their needs and however challenging their behaviour.

I gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding during the 29 years I worked in a challenging mainstream secondary school (15 years in a range of Senior Leadership positions) and the 4 years that I managed a PRU. I hope that I might be able to put my experience to good use and offer some support to Penkford.

What do you enjoy most about your role as Governor?

I enjoy working with a Head teacher, staff team and governing body who are all passionate about providing the best possible experience for their young people.

The Head Teacher and her team have worked hard to get Penkford to a ‘good’ standard but they not satisfied with this and are driving forward to provide an outstanding school.

I enjoy offering support and challenge to such an ambitious team.

What are your hobbies and interests?

My main interest is swimming. I coach at St Helen's Swimming Club several times a week and I try to swim myself three times a week. I also enjoy walking, eating out and going to concerts (classical music).

Since retiring I have revived some old hobbies - dressmaking and knitting. I have also been involved in setting up a group for dementia sufferers and their carers.

Mr Peter Smith

Term of office:

Start date: 31/07/2018

End date: 30/07/2024

When did you first become a Governor at Penkford?

31st July 2018

What interested you in becoming a Governor at Penkford?

Penkford has an appeal to me because I have personal experience of children with special needs and as a result I want to help make improvements for the students at Penkford.  

What do you enjoy most about your role as Governor?

Using my professional skills and experience to help make improvements.

Using my personal skills and experience to help make improvements.

Acquiring new skills, experiences and insights.

Meeting people from different and varied backgrounds

What are your hobbies and interests?

Family, Lola the Labrador and Buddy the Chug, walking, Preston North End FC, listening to radio and socializing.

Proposed dates for Governors Meetings 2023 - 2024 

Term 1

4th October 2023

Full Governing Body Meeting


6th December 2023

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

Term 2

7th February 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting


27th March 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

Term 3

22nd May 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting


3th July 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

* Plus October 23 Heads Appraisal Meeting (Staff and Appeals Committee)

INSET Days 2023 - 2024

Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th September. Friday 27th October. 2023

Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July. 2024

Proposed dates for Governors Meetings 2024 - 2025 

Term 1

9th October 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting


11th December 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

Term 2

5th February 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting


26th March 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

Term 3

21st May 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting


9th July 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting

4:30 pm

* Plus October 24 Heads Appraisal Meeting (Staff and Appeals Committee)

INSET Days 2024 - 2025

Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Monday 4th November. Monday 2nd December 2024

Monday 6th January 2025


Below is a list of any pecuniary interests declared by current serving Governors.

Governor List 2023

No Interest Declared

Interest Declared

Ms Anne Kyle



Mrs Maggie Neale


Governor at Newton le Willows Primary School

Mr Philip Round


Governor at St Helen’s College and Wargrave House School

Counsellor Seve Gomez Aspron



Mrs Leah Beirne



Mr Ged Farley



Mr Peter Smith


Contracts Manager Corporate Procurement St Helens Council

Ms Heather Addison


Ms Asher Houghton


Mr Ben Bennett



Please find information regarding Governor committee membership 2023 2024. Full governors meetings for 2023 2024 will cover all committee areas listed below.

Forum Governor Representative

  • Cllr S Gomez Aspron - (Local Authority Governor)

Finance and Resources Committee

  • Ms A Kyle - Headteacher

  • Mrs M Neale - Chair (Co-opted Governor) and Committee Chair

  • Mr P Round - Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor)

  • Cllr S Gomez Aspron - (Local Authority Governor)

  • Mrs L Beirne - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr G Farley - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr P Smith - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Ms H Addison - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Ms A Houghton - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr B Bennett - (Staff Governor)

Standards and Effectiveness Committee

  • Ms A Kyle - Headteacher

  • Mrs M Neale - Chair (Co-opted Governor) and Committee Chair

  • Mr P Round - Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor)

  • Cllr S Gomez Aspron - (Local Authority Governor)

  • Mrs L Beirne - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr G Farley - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr P Smith - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Ms H Addison - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Ms A Houghton - (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr B Bennett - (Staff Governor)

Staffing and Appeals Committee

  • Ms A Kyle - Headteacher

  • Mrs M Neale - Chair (Co-opted Governor) and Committee Chair

  • Mr P Round - Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor)

  • Mr G Farley - (Co-opted Governor)

Attendance Full Governor Meetings September 2023 to July 2024.

Meeting Dates:









Mrs Maggie Neale (Chair)





Mr Philip Round (VIce Chair)





Ms Anne Kyle (Headteacher)

Y Y    




Mrs N Laughton (Deputy Headteacher) 

    Y Y Y   Deputising for Headteacher

Cllr Seve Gomez-Aspon 





Mrs Leah Beirne





Mr Ged Farley





Mr Peter Smith





Ms H Addison

  Y Y Y     Appointed 06/12/23

Ms A Houghton

  Y Y       Appointed 06/12/23
Mr Ben Bennett Y Y Y Y





Summary of Attendance:


    % Attendance    

    Additions and/or Retired    

Mrs Maggie Neale (Chair)


Mr Philip Round (VIce Chair)


Ms Anne Kyle (Headteacher)


Cllr Seve Gomez-Aspon 


Mrs Leah Beirne


Mr Ged Farley


Mr Peter Smith

Mr Ben Bennett











Attendance Full Governor Meetings September 2022 to July 2023.


07/12/22 22/03/23 05/07/23

% Attendance

Additions or Retired

Mrs Maggie Neale (Chair)

Y   Y 67%  

Mr Philip Round (Vice Chair)

Y Y Y 100%  

Ms Anne Kyle (Headteacher)

Y Y Y 100%  

Cllr Seve Gomez Aspron

    Y 33% Local Authority Governor

Mrs Leah Beirne

  Y Y 67%  

Mr Ged Farley


Mr Duncan Morrison

      0% Retired Jan 2023

Mr Peter Smith

Y Y Y 100%  



Co-opted Governor

Mr Ben Bennett

  Y Y 67%

Staff Governor



Parent Governor


Attendance at Committee Meetings September 2022 – July 2023.


Standards & Effectiveness


Finance & Staffing


Standards & Effectiveness


Finance & Staffing


Standards & Effectiveness


Finance & Staffing


Mrs Maggie Neale (Chair)




Mr Philip Round (VIce Chair)




Ms Anne Kyle  (Headteacher)

Y Y   Y



Cllr Seve Gomez-Aspon 

Y Y Y  



Mrs Leah Beirne




Mr Ged Farley

  Y Y  



Mr Duncan Morrison




Mr Peter Smith

  Y Y Y



Mr Ben Bennett     Y  




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