The Willow Bank Families Group was created to give all parents and carers of children at our school a helpful space to meet to build relationships, share information and to offer advice support and guidance.

The Aims of Willow Bank Families 

  • To create an environment where all parents and carers know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward.
  • To work in partnership to create a welcoming and inclusive school.
  • To give parents and carers an opportunity to support one another with their shared experiences of raising a child with complex needs.
  • To engage in a variety of activities that will strengthen the bonds between parents, carers and school staff, boost self-confidence, and enhance positive mental health.
  • To provide an opportunity for parents and carers to access any SEND related training needs or to meet with external support agencies. 


Half Term 3 (22/23) - Coffee Morning Thursday 19th January 11.30am to 12.30pm
Aim - Information giving and getting to know other parents, carers and key staff 

  • Mrs Hall (HLTA Pupil and Parent Support)
  • Mrs Savage (Attendance Officer)
  • Mrs Duffy (Senior Mental Health Lead and Pastoral Coordinator)
  • Mrs Baldwin (Learning Mentor Additional Needs)
  • Mrs Bainbridge (SENCo)

Parent/Carer Feedback:

“I was surprised at the level of support offered”
“How nice it is to meet other parents and to chat”
“I would like to thank the school for the support that has been offered to my son and us as a family since he started here 3 years ago.”

Half Term 6  (22/23) - Walk around Carr Mill Dam Thursday 12th July 11.30am to 2.00pm

Aim - to enjoy the fresh air and a 2.9K walk around Carr Mill, a chance to catch up and to enjoy some refreshments in the Toby Carvery afterwards.

  • Mr Collins (Forest School and Outdoor Education teacher)
  • Mrs Hall (HLTA Pupil and Parent Support)

Half Term 2 (23/24) - Coffee Morning Thursday 17th December 1.00pm

Aim - Information giving about KOOTH an anonymous online counselling and support tool for young people presented by St Helens KOOTH team.

  • Ellie Roberts (St Helens KOOTH team)
  • Mrs Hall (HLTA Pupil and Parent Support)
  • Mrs Duffy (Senior Mental Health Lead and Pastoral Coordinator)

Half Term 3 (23/24) - Coffee Morning Monday 26th February 10.30am

Aim - Information sharing about our new KS2 & KS3 careers curriculum including work experience opportunities for pupils.

  • Mrs Barton (Careers Coordinator)
  • Mrs Hall (HLTA Pupil and Parent Support)

Half Term 4 (23/24) - Coffee Morning tbc

Details to follow shortly - a coffee morning with a clinician from the Neuro Developmental Pathway.

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