The staff of Willow Bank school work to give each child full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, encouraging in each individual a sense of self-worth and self-esteem. To view staff profiles please click on staff name.

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs N Laughton Headteacher
Mr D Francis Acting Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour & Attitudes)
Mrs C Hughes Acting Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education)
Mrs R Savage Business Manager
Mr J McKune Lead for Safeguarding and Engagement
Mrs E Bainbridge Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCo)

Middle Leaders

Mrs C Barton Global & Futures Curriculum
Mrs E Edwards Nurture & Creative Curriculum
Miss F Maxwell Literacy & Communication Curriculum


Mrs E Bainbridge Mathematics
Mrs C Barton Careers, Geography, History & Personal Social Development
Mr B Bennett KS2 Teacher & Physical Education
Mr K Bergqvist Preparation for Adulthood & Physical Education
Mr A Boswell English
Mr A Brooks Design Technology
Mr I Collins KS2 Teacher, Science, Forest School & Preparation for Adulthood
Mrs E Edwards KS2 Teacher
Mr D Francis Geography & Maths
Mrs A Green Mathematics & Science (Maternity Leave)
Mrs C Hughes Science
Miss A Johnson Art & Design
Mrs N Laughton Science 
Miss F Maxwell English

Mental Health & Data Management

Mrs J Duffy Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs H Lyons Data, Reporting & Communications

Learning Mentors

Mrs K Baldwin Learning Mentor
Miss K Edwards Learning Mentor
Mr R Fairclough Learning Mentor & Attendance

HLTA & Teaching Assistants

Mrs R Betty (Level 3)
Ms M Christiansen (Level 2)
Ms R Farrell (Level 3)
Ms N Hughes (Level 3)
Mr K Lacey (Level 3) and DT Technician
Mr P Marsh (Level 3)
Ms C McDermott (Level 2)
Mr J Pemberton-Simms (Level 2)
Mr J Spurling (Level 3) and Science Technician
Mrs E Taylor (Level 3)
Ms M Tinsley (Level 3)
Ms S Topping Webb HLTA

Admin Team

Mrs K Fisk Senior Administrator
Mrs S Boyles Clerical Assistant

Site Team

Mr R Crompton Site Manager
Mr S Crawley Cleaner In Charge
Ms B Herd Cleaner
Ms K Talbot Cleaner
Mrs C Collins Cook
Mr J Dooley Kitchen Assistant


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