Safeguarding Overview

Willow Bank school follows clear safeguarding policies, which ensure the safety of the pupils within our care. All staff and volunteers at the school are DBS checked and national Safer Recruitment regulations are strictly followed in appointing all staff. Health and Safety policies are in place and risk assessments are carried out rigorously, both with regard to events and activities within school and those carried out off-site. Designated staff are trained first aiders and all school minibus drivers have to undertake specialist training and undergo minibus testing.

Within the school, two senior members of staff are designated Child Protection officers and work with families, social services, and Children’s Disability Teams to ensure that our pupils are not at risk. All staff have been trained in child protection procedures and undergo regular refresher training.

What do we do?

The safeguarding team here at Willow Bank are here not only to help pupils but parents and others in the community. They are able to offer advice on a range of issues including;

  • Child Welfare Concerns
  • Pupils Attendance Issues
  • Domestic Violence
  • Substance Misuse
  • Parents In Crisis

If you have any concerns or need help regarding issues in the community, contact our safeguarding staff. 

The Willow Bank Safeguarding Team 

Your first point of contact with any queries or concerns is Mr J McKune. They will be here to help and guide you with any queries you may have. They can be contacted on 01744 678 745. If for any reason they are unavailable, you will be directed to one of the other members of the team.

Members of the safeguarding team are: 

Mr J McKune Leader Safeguarding and Engagement
Mrs N Laughton Acting Headteacher
Mr D Francis Acting Deputy Headteacher
Mrs J Duffy Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs R Savage Business Manager

Safeguarding Leaflet

The St Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership Board have their own website here:

All the information that schools, other professionals, parents, carers, and pupils may need is here. 

There are many dedicated pages on the website, including pages with advice and policies and procedures, and has lots of other useful links and information regarding other issues such as internet safety, domestic violence, and counselling services. 

Safeguarding Advice for Visitors and Volunteers


Children and young people may expose themselves to danger, whether knowingly or unknowingly, when using the Internet and other technologies. Additionally, some young people may find themselves involved in activities, which are inappropriate or possibly illegal.

Parents and schools therefore have major responsibility to educate and monitor the pupils; teaching them the appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the Internet and related technologies. Such school provided education is a joint responsibility shared by members of the teaching staff and the PSHEE Co-ordinator.

When should you report to CEOP?

Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. Click on the CEOP image above to make a report.

Safer Internet Day

Please see Safer Internet Day Parent and Carer resources. Every classroom has a dedicated 'Safeguarding Children Notice Board'. The E-Safety policy is available on request.

The E-safety policy is supported by other policies that safeguard and promote the welfare and safety of children at Willow Bank School. These policies are:

  • the Internet User Access Policy
  • Guidance for Safer Working Practise for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Education.
  • Safer Communication with Young People.

Further Information, Guidance and Help

Remove a nude image shared online | Childline

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a UK charity, are there to help remove nude images of under 18s posted online. Once IWF has confirmed your nude image is against the law and can be removed from the internet they give it a digital fingerprint, called a hash.


All staff have training in protecting children online delivered by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency. Pupils can go to their teacher for advice and support. Alternatively, additional information and advice can be obtained for both pupils and their parents at the following link:

Here you or your child can gain information, play safety games or report abuse using the report abuse button. This will send your concerns straight to a member of staff at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre. This member of staff will treat your concerns very seriously and will contact you as soon as possible.

Please see our Think U Know Online Safety At Home Learning Activities on the Home Learning Tab for 15 minute activities you can do with your child.

Safe Secure Online guidance

Downloadable social media checklists to guide parents, carers and pupils through your profile settings to make sure you are safe.

Here you can find all the Safeguarding Newsletters that we send out to parents and carers, with the latest information and news about how to keep your child safe. In addition please find below our Safeguarding Days / Theme Calendar at Willow Bank School.

Willow Bank Awareness Calendar 2024 2025

Safeguarding Newsletters


Through the National College #WakeUpWednesday, The National College aim to equip every trusted adult with the knowledge and skills they need to keep up with the latest information, implement best practice and heighten their awareness of issues around online safety.

Below is a collection of some of the Top Tip Help Guides presented on a single page covering 

  • Gaming,
  • Online Safety
  • Social Media

To view their library on Top Tips Guides please visit

Safeguarding Top Tips

Operation Encompass / Domestic abuse

Children can witness and be adversely affected by domestic abuse and/or violence at home where it occurs between family members. In some cases, a child may blame themselves for the abuse or may have had to leave the family home as a result.

Older children may also experience domestic abuse and/or violence in their own personal relationships.

Exposure to domestic abuse and/or violence can have a serious, long-lasting emotional and psychological impact on children.

If police are called to an incident of domestic abuse and any children in the household have experienced the incident, the police will inform the key adult in school (usually the designated safeguarding lead) before the child or children arrive at school the following day. The key contact for Operation Encompass is Mrs. Duffy and the Safeguarding lead/Deputy.

The DSL will provide support according to the child’s needs and update records about their circumstances.

Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools and is an integral component in child safeguarding and child protection. Participation in Operation Encompass mandates a secure record-keeping trail, which may be electronic or paper based. Within Operation Encompass all records are managed at Child Protection level with the highest level of security and confidentiality, and in full accordance with GDPR. These records are held by police and schools only. Operation Encompass does not hold the records and never has access to these records.

Safeguarding Operation Encompass

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