Green Recover Challenge Fund Outdoor Classroom Creation Project
Willow Bank School have received £2,079.61 from The Mersey Forest Organisation to help with our woodland creation project alongside our Forest School Lead Ian Collins to establish suitable outdoor classrooms to engage children in outdoor activities.
The Mersey Forest is enabling the creation of outdoor classrooms through the Green Recovery Challenge Fund. Through this project they are aiming to enable community groups and schools to better use their outdoor spaces for the benefit their user’s mental health and wellbeing.
Engagement in outdoor education has been shown to increase resilience, improve mental wellbeing, improve physical health and increase a person’s care and concern for the environment.
Through this Project, the Mersey Forest will support Willow Bank to develop new areas of woodland.
To establish these classrooms, The Mersey Forest will work with Willow Bank to design, implement and deliver the construction of an outdoor classroom and woodland planting.
Commitment from The Mersey Forest
Willow Bank school will be supported by The Mersey Forest to help us achieve the following:
• Design and agree a suitable classroom design
• Design and agree a suitable planting design to work alongside the classroom
• Commission a suitable contractor to complete the works
• Prepare and submit to you a Trees for Climate landowner Agreement for the tree establishment and woodland creation