7 November 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Subject: Important School Closure Notice - Key Contacts
Willow Bank school will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, 8th November 2023, due to a water supply issue. We apologise for any inconvenience. We will re-open as normal on Thursday 9th November 2023.
Below is a list of key contacts should you or your children need any information, advice and support throughout the day.
Penkford School Safeguarding Team
- Mr McKune (DSL) Tel: 07925 397 790
- Mrs Hall (Parent and Pupil Support) Tel: 07752 700 311
- Mrs Savage (Attendance and Family Support) Tel: 07752 700 305
Other Support Agencies
- Children and Young People’s services. Tel: 01744 671 275
- Youth Justice Services. Tel: 01744 677 990
- Safer Communities. Tel: 01744 671685
- Early Help Team. Tel: 01744 676 600
- Youth Service. Tel: 01744 675924
- TAZ outreach Team. Tel: 01744 675 605
- Young People’s drug and alcohol team YPDAAT. Tel: 01744 675 605
- CAMHS Child Adolescent Mental Health Service. Tel: 01925 579 405 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) If you need support outside these hours, you can contact the CAMHS Response Team every day until 9pm, on 01744 627 618.
- Papyrus (prevention of young suicide) Tel: 0800 068 4141
- Childline.org.uk Helpline. Tel: 0800 1111
- Samaritans Helpline. Tel: 116 123
- www.kooth.com – online counselling and support service for 11-25-year olds.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Jon McKune
Safeguarding and Engagement Leader