Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,
I hope that you are all looking forward to the Christmas break - and all the ‘turkey and tinsel!’. On behalf of the staff and governors we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for the new year of 2024!
In this end of term letter, I always let you know the last week arrangements and the date we come back in the new year. This year we finish quite late. I am sure you would all like to join me in thanking the staff for all their hard work this year to support your children with all they do.
Last day of term arrangements
- All pupils finish at 12.15pm on Friday the 22nd of December.
- Transport has been notified and hot lunch as usual will be provided for all free school meals pupils before they go.
Return to school in New Year
- All pupils will be back on Monday the 8th of January 2024, normal school start time at 8.45am.
Dates for your diary
- School Christmas lunch – Thursday 21st of December- all pupils are welcome to eat lunch at no cost to you. Pupils are invited to wear Christmas jumpers.
- Parents evening (for reviews for your child) Tuesday the 15th of January 2024, from 3.30pm-5pm. Form Tutors will be in touch in the new year to arrange appointments.
- Parent Governor Vacancy Elections- we have two vacancies on our Governing Body for parental representatives. Paperwork will be sent to you on how you can nominate or vote if we have a field of candidates. Elections and nominations will take place in new year.
News and Celebrations
We have had a fantastic time in our first school year in our new building.
Our new staff, teachers, teaching assistants and senior leaders are all working tirelessly to make sure your children have the support they need. Our established staff always go that extra mile for your children and will go out of their way to help and support not only their learning but their social, emotional and mental health. I hope you can support me with saying a heartfelt thank you to them all and wish them a peaceful Christmas.
This term, alongside all of our learning in lessons, we have had a range of exciting activities happening to enrich our wider curriculum. Some examples are:
- Ongoing work experience programme at Knowsley Safari Park for years 8-10
- KS2 winning the Boccia Tournament
- KS2 football tournaments with them winning one and drawing another
- KS3 and 4 football tournaments with them winning all matches except one- which was a draw
- Guest visits from a Drama Theatre working with KS2 and 3
- Parent/Carer coffee afternoon with guest speaker from Kooth
- Large, donated collection from pupils and staff for the local charities of food for Christmas
- Museum visits for multiple year groups and museums
- Sports activities on Friday after school for KS2
- Year 6 Bikeability week- great to see them riding around
- Year 11 mock GCSE exams - well done to year 11
- Launch of our special Celebration Assemblies - the children really like these - ask them about how they work
- Cookie Corner grand opening – our new rewards system where pupils earn points for positive behaviours to spend on a Friday
- KS2 trip to Shakespeare Northern Playhouse
- Cinema trips
- Careers visits - KS4
- Children in Need Day
- Breast Cancer Day
- Mental Health Awareness Day and week of activities
- And lots of other things that are part of our core curriculum offer
On behalf of everyone at Willow Bank we wish you all a Merry Christmas and we will see you all in the New Year at our parent carer events.
Yours sincerely
Miss Anne Kyle