Dear Parents/Carers
All Year 9 children are being offered the Adolescent Booster which should be their fifth and final dose of combined tetanus, diphtheria and polio vaccine and will provide long term protection and Meningitis ACWY.
Both vaccines are part of the routine programme which boosts the immunisations your child received as a baby and young child. Meningitis ACWY will also offer protection against meningitis strains that were not included in their childhood programme.
To complete the form, follow the link below.
Please complete the form ASAP.
Can we kindly ask if you do not wish your child to receive these vaccines would you please still complete the consent form indicating your decline to avoid any further follow up correspondence from our service. If you wish to change your decision at any time after submitting your form, you must contact the immunisation service.
Many Thanks,
St Helens School-based Immunisation Services
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Ashton’s Green Children’s Centre
Ashtons Green Drive
St Helens
Tel: 01744 415645
Chair: Rosie Cooper
Chief Executive: Prof Joe Rafferty, CBE