A very warm welcome to Willow Bank, we are a special school which provide education for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

We currently have 71 pupils on roll and enjoy working with pupils from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4. Our aim is to enable pupils to have a positive and exciting experience of education and equip them for their future.

Our pupils all have very different needs and we work hard to ensure that we provide the support they need to feel valued and respected, so that they can engage in rich learning experiences and prepare to be active citizens who contribute positively to society.

We hope that you find any information that you are looking for on our website but if you would like to know anything else please do get in touch.

Once again, welcome to our school.

Warmest regards

Nicola Laughton


Our School:

Our school is a day maintained special school for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties in the borough of St Helens, Merseyside. We cater for 65 young people from Year 4 to Year 11. We are a highly inclusive and innovative establishment. We believe Willow Bank is a centre of best practice for behaviour management, pastoral care and teaching and learning.

All school and St Helens Borough Council updates and letters can be found in our News Section found on the Home page.

Should you require a paper copy of our website or any of the information please email willowbank@sthelens.org.uk and we will provide a copy free of charge.

Our Strategic Vision:

To be a centre of excellence for pupils with SEMH difficulties, providing a safe space to engage in a culture of learning, personal growth, achieving to the best of our abilities and working together as part of the Willow Bank Community.

We believe that: 

  • Learning to respect ourselves, others, and the school environment is the foundation of preparedness for adulthood (LEARN)
  • Every step of personal growth is a victory, no matter how small (GROW)
  • All children love to learn, and once we've captured their interest, we can support them to achieve to the best of their ability (ACHIEVE)
  • Every child is an individual, and developing a trusting, positive relationship with each pupil is the key to engagement in education (TOGETHER)

Our Aims:

At Willow Bank School we aim to provide an ambitious curriculum in a nurturing and safe environment for pupils to develop:

  • Independence
  • Emotional intelligence and resilience
  • Appropriate communication skills
  • The ability to contribute to society through good citizenship skills and preparedness for work

Students can:

  • Focus on their individual goals and overcome personal challenges 
  • Have a sense of pride in their improvements and achievements
  • Access the support they need to reach their full potential
  • Share and believe an ethos of ‘Every day is a Fresh Start’ with SEMH difficulties


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