Guide and Overview
At Willow Bank School we strive to achieve the best outcomes for all our learners by giving them the support they need to make well informed, realistic decisions about their future through careers education, information, advice and guidance. We have developed a comprehensive careers programme to engage pupils and foster an interest in planning for their future in the world of work.
We recognise that every student is unique, with their own passions, interests, and aspirations. Our aim is to empower them to discover their individual strengths and interests, and to help them develop the necessary skills to gain meaningful employment or education after school.
Willow Bank School is part of the Liverpool Careers Hub and is committed to working towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.
We collaborate with Career Connect to support our CEIAG programme. Career Connect is a charity whose mission is to drive social mobility by enabling more people to access and succeed in education, training and employment. Career Connect hold the Matrix Standard and are passionate about providing high quality independent careers advice, bridging the gap to learning and employment and better life changes for young people and adults.
Our Careers Leaders in school are Mrs Laughton (Acting Head Teacher) and Mrs Barton (Director of Learning for Global Futures Curriculum). If you would like to access more information about the current careers programme or have any queries about careers or progression please contact them via
Careers Information
At Willow Bank School, we have a careers programme in place that ensures that you are well equipped for the future and have the information you need to make realistic and informed decisions about further education, training, and employment.
When you leave school at 16 years old, you are likely to have some or all of the following options available to you depending on your ability, independence and support needs.
If you want to talk about Careers, you can speak to Mrs Barton or Mrs Laughton and they can book you an appointment with Joanne Patten from Careers Connect for independent advice and guidance.
What are the routes available?
- Further education - This may be at a college or training provider to study vocational courses like BTECs / T Levels or academic courses like A Levels.
- Apprenticeships - An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training, study and you get paid! Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas. Search for apprenticeships on GOV.UK and Be More.
- Traineeships - Traineeships are usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work. Further information can be found here.
- Supported internships - Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement. Click here for more information about Liverpool's Supported Internship programme.
Useful websites:
Be More - Local Youth Hubs provide face-to-face support delivered in partnership with those organisations who have a tried and trusted record of engaging and working with young people, and who also have strong collaborative arrangements in place with partners delivering services that support and benefit young people.
WOW Show - The WOW Show is an online channel creating real-life encounters with the world of work to inspire young people about their futures.
BBC-Bitesize - Careers Lots of helpful and engaging resources explaining the world of work.
Barclays Life Skills - This tool is designed to help you find out what your current skills, interests and personality traits are, then find help to develop them further to support your future.
Inspiring the Future - uses the power of personal stories to inform young people’s career choices
Careers Gallery
Our commitment to careers:
- All teachers will link curriculum learning with careers
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subject teachers will highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths
- By the age of 14, every student will have had the opportunity to learn how the different STEM subjects help people to gain entry to a wide range of careers
- All subject teachers will emphasise the importance of succeeding in English and Maths
Ideas to engage pupils:
- Show a short video clip as a starter activity using the resources on careersbox / icould / firstcareers or BBC bitesize careers to show the relevance of lessons for possible future careers
- Discuss careers linked to specific parts of your curriculum - use this website to help you -
- Set a homework task to research different careers related to your subject
- Browse and use these careers lesson inserts
- Use this resource booklet for inspiring ideas
- Utilise STEM careers resources -
- Take into account growth industries in the Liverpool City Region -
- Take a look and implement Career Connect's National Careers Week lesson plans.
Useful contacts/websites/resources:
- Request support from your Careers Leader or SLT to bring in a guest speaker to talk to students about careers or to deliver part of a lesson.
- Request employer support using the STEM Ambassador Programme or Inspiring the Future website
- Gatsby Benchmark 4 Toolkit
- Careers in the Curriculum ‘What works’ report
- Forum Talent Potential website - Case studies about employer-linked curriculum projects
- Utilise the Careers Directory for further links to a wide range of job profiles.
Parent Carer
What is available to help support my child in the future?
Preparation should start early - long before your child becomes and adult. Since the Raising of the Participation Age, the law states that young people must be in some form of ‘education or training’ until they are 18. This can include:
- Further education at a local college or training provider to follow a study programme.
- Apprenticeship - An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training and study, letting you ‘earn while you learn’. Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas.
- Traineeship - Usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work.
- Supported Internship - Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement. See link for more information about Liverpool's Supported Internship programme.
As a part of a learners Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan the Year 9 annual review and every review after that, will include a focus on preparing for adulthood. This means there should be targets in the EHCP that will help your child to achieve steps towards preparing for post-16 options. The EHCP will be updated as your child progresses.
Local education options:
- St Helens College
- Carmel College
- Knowsley College
Careers Parent Carer
What Careers education is available to my child in school?
- All pupils at Willow Bank School receive Careers education in their PSD lessons, they will complete a term on activities about Living in the Wider World and will look at other aspects of adulthood. As a part of the curriculum, pupils are also given the opportunity to complete a BTEC in year 9 in Pre-Vocational Skills.
- All pupils have access to an independent careers advisor from Careers Connect, Joanne Patten, who will give input to pupils EHCPs, meet with pupils and run workshops with KS3.
- Pupils are also given the opportunity to engage in Work Experience (in real life and virtually) and opportunities to visit colleges and Higher Education establishments.
Useful websites:
Children and young people with SEND and their families may be entitled to additional financial support. The government offers advice on financial help for children and young people on the Learner Support Helpline (0800 121 8989)
If you would like to find out how you could support our school and make a difference to a young person's future please get in touch via
We welcome support from employers with:
- Guest speaker talks and presentations
- Delivery of small parts of curriculum content
- Workplace visits
- Hands on workshops
- Work experience
- Apprenticeships
- Representation at careers fairs
- Mock interviews
Careers Connect "What's the Point......." Videos
A series of 10 short video clips - What's the point in careers
A short video clip - Careers Powered by Maths
Two short videos
KS3 What is a Scientist?
KS4 Why a Career in Science for me
A short video Transferable Skills in Geography
A short video Transferable Skills in History