KS4 Art Pupil Written Response - I Scott

Image of KS4 Art Pupil Written Response - I Scott

KS4 Fine Art

KS4 Fine Art pupil choose Iris Scott as his personal theme for the upcoming 'mock' assignment.

For the assignment he researched his chosen artist and source, produced a written response and presented his findings in the style of Iris Scott. He will develop his work by further…

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KS3 Exploring Our Planet

Image of KS3 Exploring Our Planet

KS3 Pupils Plasticine Earth Models

KS3 pupils explored the structure of the planet in Geography. Pupils engaged in a kinesthetic activity to create a plasticine model of the Earth's main layers: the crust, the mantle, and the inner and outer core, to develop their understanding of key…

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KS3 Hands on Interactive Science Experiment

Image of KS3 Hands on Interactive Science Experiment

KS3 Science - Electric Current Theory in Practice

KS3 have been learning about electricity in Science. Pupils took their learning outside during breaktime and encouraged others to join in an experiment to see how many people they could manage, to send an electric current through to complete a…

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KS3 Concrete Manipulatives in Maths

Image of KS3 Concrete Manipulatives in Maths

Kinesthetic and Visual Learning in KS3 Maths

KS3 pupils used concrete manipulatives in Maths to explore the meaning of the term ‘Equivalent Fraction’. A kinesthetic and visual learning style was adopted by all pupils to develop their understanding and transfer the skills to complete the…

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