Year 8 Awesome Climbing Wall

Image of Year 8 Awesome Climbing Wall

Year 8 pupils visited Awesome Walls in Liverpool as part of their Outdoor Education. Pupils focused on safety and climbing techniques to scale the climbing wall whilst developing their communication and gross motor skills.

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KS2 Creative Calendars

Image of KS2 Creative Calendars

Creative Calendars by KS2 pupils. Combining Art and Maths skills pupils designed "Icicle Calendars" a kinesthetic activity to recap their learning about days, weeks, months, and years. In addition to developing their fine motor skills.

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KS2 PSD Friends and Question Cubes

Image of KS2 PSD Friends and Question Cubes

KS2 PSD Pupils talked about how to make new friends and how it can be hard to make new friends. Pupils created a question cube that they could ask someone to break the ice, as well as developing their fine motor and verbal communication skills.

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KS2 Observational Drawing

Image of KS2 Observational Drawing

KS2 pupils have been practicing their observational drawing skills by drawing a Christmas elf. Pupils all worked independently on their designs whilst getting into the Christmas spirit listening to festive music.

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Year 10 Dean Russo

Image of Year 10 Dean Russo

Year 10 Neo Expressionism Art development saw pupils exploring the work of Dean Russo an artist and actor. He explored many popular themes including animals. Here, pupils have experimented with printing techniques and used watercolour inks to add contrast and colour.

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KS4 Festive Christmas Cupcakes

Image of KS4 Festive Christmas Cupcakes

KS4 pupils created festive Christmas cupcakes as part of their pudding option. Cupcakes first showed up in literature at the end of the 1700s when bakers started using ramekins or individual pottery cups. Pupils worked together as part of a kitchen team to complete each of the steps…

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Y9 Geography - Brazil and Pão de Queijo and Caipirinha

Image of Y9 Geography - Brazil and Pão de Queijo and Caipirinha

Year 9 Geography pupils discovering traditional Brazilian food and drink. Pupils developed their cultural food experiences by making and tasting "Pão de Queijo" (cheese bread) a staple food snack made from tapioca flour and "caipirinha" a frozen drink.

Pão de Queijo Brazilian…
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KS3* Outdoor Education - Sledging

Image of KS3* Outdoor Education - Sledging

KS3* visiting Rivington Pike during Outdoor Education. A physical exercise focus saw pupils learning to walk safely in the snowy conditions as well as understanding the dangers that the weather can bring. Pupil led mindfulness saw them sledging and having fun.


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KS3 The Apprentice Enterprise Activity

Image of KS3 The Apprentice Enterprise Activity

KS3 looking to become the next Apprentice with their in-house enterprise service. Pupils completed consumer research for their menu and prices, whilst developing organisational, teamwork and time management skills to deliver a food service during breaktime.

Apprentice 1
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910AJFM Hearty Winter Food - Option 3

Image of 910AJFM Hearty Winter Food - Option 3

KS4 hearty winter food options 3 - Pupils created pasties as part of their convenience food "all-in-one meal" option containing a mix of meat and vegetables. The pasty has been a documented part of the British diet since the 13th century evolving in variety of fillings used.

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