KS3 Outdoor Education Skiing

Image of KS3 Outdoor Education Skiing

Key Stage 3 pupils visited the Chill Factore in Manchester during Outdoor Education. Pupils focused on developing their

  • stance
  • balance
  • walking uphill
  • weight distribution

as well as having fun.


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Year 9 Art - Tessellations

Image of Year 9 Art - Tessellations

Year 9 have been learning about tessellation art and the links to mathematics and optical illusions. Pupils explored MC Escher's tessellations and created their own tessellated fish designs. They explored organic and geometric line and pattern to add detail to their fish backgrounds. 

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KS3 RE Judaism and Torah Scrolls

Image of KS3 RE Judaism and Torah Scrolls

Year 8 have been looking at Judaism this half term - how it began, the key teachings and celebrations. Last week they looked at the Holy Books of Judaism and today they made their own Torah Scrolls

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KS3 Medieval England & the Crusades

Image of KS3 Medieval England & the Crusades

Y7 have been looking at life in Medieval England and the Crusades - what life was like for a Knight and what they would have worn when fighting in the Holy Land. Pupils then researched and designed their own Knight's shield.


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