Year 7 Exploring Viewpoints in Art

Image of Year 7 Exploring Viewpoints in Art

Year 7 have started to learn about the different viewpoints used in art. They have looked at aerial (birds' eye), level and worm's eye view. Here they have drawn their own interpretation of aerial, level and worms eye view drawings.


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KS3 and KS4 Building Resilience Through Sport Camp

Image of KS3 and KS4 Building Resilience Through Sport Camp

February half term football camp saw KS3 and KS4 pupils developing their skills alongside ex-footballer and UEFA B coach Phil Marsh. 

  • Passing
  • Receiving
  • Shooting
  • Decision Making
  • Dribbling

The aim of the half term camp was to give pupils the opportunity to develop resilience and…

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KS3 Ceramic Emoji

Image of KS3 Ceramic Emoji

Key stage 3 pupils have been developing their ceramic and design skills during children's mental health week to produce their final emoji characters.


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KS3 Outdoor Education Skiing

Image of KS3 Outdoor Education Skiing

Key Stage 3 pupils visited the Chill Factore in Manchester during Outdoor Education. Pupils focused on developing their

  • stance
  • balance
  • walking uphill
  • weight distribution

as well as having fun.


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Year 9 Art - Tessellations

Image of Year 9 Art - Tessellations

Year 9 have been learning about tessellation art and the links to mathematics and optical illusions. Pupils explored MC Escher's tessellations and created their own tessellated fish designs. They explored organic and geometric line and pattern to add detail to their fish backgrounds. 

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